/en/print/14513/bratislava-the-petrzalka-city-project-will-have-a-temporal-info-centre/ Bratislava: the Petržalka City project will have a temporal info-centre

Bratislava: the Petržalka City project will have a temporal info-centre

In the summer the temporal info-centre for the Petržalka City project in Bratislava will be opened on its future area in Gessayova Street. Viera Krupová informed about it on behalf of the Petržalka…

In the summer the temporal info-centre for the Petržalka City project in Bratislava will be opened on its future area in Gessayova Street. Viera Krupová informed about it on behalf of the Petržalka City Company. Layout models as well as advertising and information materials will be available. The new multifunctional centre Petržalka City should arise on the area of 22 ha in the locality bounded by Rusovská cesta, Romanova, Hálova and Gessayova and the bed of Chotvátske rameno. Beginning of the construction was postponed several times due to unsolved coordination with the being prepared project of a tram and linking of railway corridors TEN-T 17.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 14.07.2009