/en/print/15317/kosice-self-governing-region-has-fulfilled-all-the-essential-tasks/ Košice Self-Governing Region has fulfilled all the essential tasks

Košice Self-Governing Region has fulfilled all the essential tasks

For the past 4 years the Košice Self-Governing Region (KSR) has fulfilled all essential functions arising from law and the Plan of economic and social development for 2007–2013. It told the chairman…

For the past 4 years the Košice Self-Governing Region (KSR) has fulfilled all essential functions arising from law and the Plan of economic and social development for 2007–2013. It told the chairman Zdenko Trebuľa at the meeting of members of Košice Regional Council. In 2009 KSR was the first in Slovakia that won the Global Scale Rating A3 with stable outlook. The result shows good management and is important in relation to new investment opportunities. KSR coordinates the regional development, is preparing strategy for the countryside and is an intermediary for the EU Regional Operational Program..

Autor: SITA / jup, Dátum 20.10.2009