/en/print/12625/digital-park-ii-should-be-approved-in-the-second-quarter/ Digital Park II should be approved in the second quarter

Digital Park II should be approved in the second quarter

The investor assumes the Digital Park phase II in Einsteinova Street in Bratislava would be finished and approved in the second quarter of year 2009. „Sharp building has been finished, the facade is…

The investor assumes the Digital Park phase II in Einsteinova Street in Bratislava would be finished and approved in the second quarter of year 2009. „Sharp building has been finished, the facade is just finishing, we start to ensure building works relating to interior in particular parts,“ Martin Danko, a speaker of Penta Company, particularized. The Digital Park II will create a new administrative centre involving auxiliary shopping and service facilities; there will be office spaces mainly there. The structure will have eight aboveground and two underground floors and totally about one thousand parking places will arise there outside and inside.

Penta entered the real estate market with the Digital Park project in year 2005. The project ought to create a new administrative centre with shops and services. Total cost will achieve 100 mills Euro according to Danko. The Digital Park I construction building started in April 2005; works were finished in September 2006. The building-up of-4 structures of the Digital Park II started in October 2007; presently it is occupied for more than 70 percentages. Penta intents to continue also by third phase being prepared now, according to Danko. Office spaces should be mainly concerned.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 03.02.2009