/en/print/13925/bratislava-the-blumentalska-zone-will-be-revitalized-during-summer/ Bratislava: The Blumentálska zone will be revitalized during summer

Bratislava: The Blumentálska zone will be revitalized during summer

The rest area Blumentálska in the Bratislava Old City revitalization should begin during summer holidays. The project of renewal of the public space, which is mainly used as a parking place, was…

The rest area Blumentálska in the Bratislava Old City revitalization should begin during summer holidays. The project of renewal of the public space, which is mainly used as a parking place, was agreed by local deputies in June 2008 yet. Within it the green vegetation (currently maintained by a few and planted out of conception), the park and small town architecture, the walkways, the devastated multi-sport facility and the children playground should be restored. The park movables here are out of date and destroyed in many places. Originally planned to cost around 342 thousand €, the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development, however, reduced to 250 324 € at the end. „It displaced the fencing of the gas regulation station and the arrangement of the container stall, because these two items are not related to the needs of the general public. They serve only the residents of adjacent apartment buildings "advised the Old City spokeswoman Alena Kopřivová. As she further stated the Ministry should also express itself about the tender for the works contractor in the next few days.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 26.05.2009