/en/print/14526/building-production-decreased-by-39-percent-in-may/ Building production decreased by 3.9 percent in May

Building production decreased by 3.9 percent in May

This-year decline in construction production continued according to the Statistical Office in May, when its annual volume decreased semi-yearly by 3.9% to 526.1 million Euro. A month before it was up…

This-year decline in construction production continued according to the Statistical Office in May, when its annual volume decreased semi-yearly by 3.9% to 526.1 million Euro. A month before it was up to 13.9%. Mitigation of the decline provides mainly the companies with 20 or more employees. Their production increased for the first time this year. In the first five months of this year the volume of construction production decreased by 11.3% to 2.023 billion Euro. An average daily production, however, grew by 1.2% in comparison with May of last year. After taking seasonal effects into account, the construction production in May increased by 5.4% compared with the previous month.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 14.07.2009