/en/print/17725/bratislava-investor-says-that-mega-casino-opposers-are-in-the-way/ Bratislava: Investor says that mega casino opposers are in the way

Bratislava: Investor says that mega casino opposers are in the way

The petition committee for the petition against building a mega casino within the complex of Metropolis in Slovakia submitted their petition, signed by 125 640 citizens, to the National Council of…

The petition committee for the petition against building a mega casino within the complex of Metropolis in Slovakia submitted their petition, signed by 125 640 citizens, to the National Council of Slovakia yesterday. The statement by the company TriGranit, provided by its head of board of directors Gábor Zászlós, claims that the petition committee disseminate misleading information about the Metropolis multi-functional project in Bratislava and that they only point out a part of its function. He considers the description as a mega casino detached from reality since the company management decided to decrease the floor area of casinos by 30 % (therefore not exceed 2 % of the total complex area) after public discussion of the urban study. According to the investor, Metropolis could bring thousands of jobs, billions of income to the state budget and development impulses for tourism.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 14.09.2010