/en/article/12975/the-investment-of-korea-firm-shapes-on-the-north-of-slovakia/ The investment of Korea firm shapes on the north of Slovakia

The investment of Korea firm shapes on the north of Slovakia

Hyundam, the Korea Company, intends to build-up a new assembly hall and an administrative building at Kysucké Nové mesto. The company plans to invest above 1.6 millions Euro at Kysuce. 55 new job positions ought to create at the new factory, which will be a counterpart of the industrial park. It ought to spread on the area of almost five thousand m2 and the Korea investor plans producing fuel pumps for passenger cars there. The Hyundam Company intends to start building the double-storied assembly hall already in May. Production ought to begin in the fourth quarter of this year. The assembly hall ought to spread on the area above 500 m2, while the spaces involving 534 m2 area are devoted for administrative.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 03.03.2009