/en/article/14186/prague-new-flats-sold-mostly-to-non-prague-residents/ Prague: new flats sold mostly to non-Prague residents

Prague: new flats sold mostly to non-Prague residents

Clients residing outside of Prague form bigger and bigger share of Prague developers’ customer base. It was revealed by an analysis carried out on the sample of 1,000 clients of property developer Ekospol. They are mostly Central Bohemians (almost 30% of non-Prague clients), the second place is surprisingly occupied by the Slovaks. The analysis further shows that Prague residents willing to buy a flat are on the lookout in their immediate vicinity, in the town district where they come from or where they currently live. People move most out of those parts of the city where there is a higher concentration of pre-fabricated buildings, which is notably Jižní město in Prague 4. The average age of people acquiring a new flat is 36 and it may be generally said that this average significantly rises with more luxurious and expensive flats. 85% of clients fund a purchase of flat by means of a mortgage, the remaining 15% pay for it from their own sources. The share of these clients also increases with more luxurious apartments.

Autor: SF / pb, Dátum 16.06.2009