/en/article/12462/state-should-increase-its-equity-share-in-four-airports-up-to-100-percentages/ State should increase its equity share in four airports up to 100 percentages

State should increase its equity share in four airports up to 100 percentages

The Government approved the Department of Traffic analysis on present state of regions participation on airports administration and the suggestion of more effective solution at its Wednesday's cabinet meeting. The Department of Traffic suggested to increase state owned equity share in 4 airport companies operated small regional airports up to 100% in this material. The Airport Poprad – Tatry, a.s., Airport Sliač, a.s., Airport Piešťany, a.s., and the Airport company a.s. Žilina are concerned.

However, it would require state financial support to regional airports in next three years in the amount of about 6.64 mills Euro without influence of inflation. The Department of Traffic considers it to be the most effective solution among three suggested variants. Further two suggestions assume either giving over the state owned equity shares in airports to regional self-administration authorities or keeping mixed the share structure of state and regional self-administration authorities on balanced level.

In case the agreement is achieved state should obtain shares owned by self-administration authorities so that, it could govern the mentioned four airport companies since January 01, 2010. Regional self-administration authorities are not able to guaranty state transport policy financially and to achieve balanced financial management according to the Department of Traffic. If present state would outlast, the airports would suffer from acute deficit of financial means henceforward, out of possibility to guaranty loans for providing operational needs and future development.

Regardless of stock-holder structure, state will also offer state subsides for administration, maintenance and development of airport infrastructure, financial sources for safe operation of airport infrastructure, safety protection of airports and realization of investments to airport infrastructure.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 20.01.2009