/en/article/13206/the-cabinet-approved-the-new-building-act-after-9year-drafting/ The cabinet approved the new Building Act after 9year drafting

The cabinet approved the new Building Act after 9year drafting

On its Wednesday meeting, the government of the Slovak Republic approved the new commented draft Act on Land Planning and Building Code including amendment of the Act on Trade Licensing (Building Act). The new Building Act should become effective as of 1 July 2010. It will adapt comprehensively issues of land planning and the building code as well as the state building supervision and sanctions for breach of building discipline. The institute of a building auditor shall be established to strengthen control over building implementation and remedy of found deficiencies. The Act will also rationalize purveying of land planning documentation by means of a new structure of data documents while maintaining its current structure. The related amendment of the Trade Licensing Act shall adapt relevant provisions at obtaining certifications for performance of tied trades in the building industry.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 24.03.2009