/en/article/12872/the-building-up-of-petrzalka-city-centrum-is-postponed-again/ The building-up of Petržalka City Centrum is postponed again

The building-up of Petržalka City Centrum is postponed again

The building-up of the multifunctional Petržalka City Centrum at the price of 400 millions Euro in Bratislava, building of which ought to be started in year 2009 and finalized in year 2013, is postponed to the edge of this year and next year. It ought to be created on the area of 22 ha in the locality bordered by Rusovská cesta, Romanova, Hálova and Gessayova Streets and the bed the Chorvátske rameno (branch).

The reason of this repeated change is not solved question of the bearing transport system of MHD in Petržalka; it also means co-ordination with the being prepared project of the high-speed tramway and connection of the rail corridors TEN-T 17. However, the beginning of the Petržalka City building-up is also postponed for the reason that the company still has not the valid planning permission. The first phase finish at the price of about 100 mills Euro is expected at the end of year 2012 or at the beginning of year 2013. The entire new Centrum ought to be finalized in year 2015.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 24.02.2009