/en/article/13527/the-industrial-park-nitra-north-resists-the-crisis-till-now/ The industrial park Nitra – North resists the crisis till now

The industrial park Nitra – North resists the crisis till now

The world crisis did not affect the industrial park Nitra – North till now substantially. As Ondrej Ščurka, the agent of Nitra Invest firm, which owns parcels in the park, told, life is pulsing in it also in the time of the crisis. Sony Company is finishing its new factory on the area of sharply 9 ha and it has bought other 15 ha.

18 firms are entrenched in the industrial park. „Proceedings with further investors stayed a bit, each follows the development. The crisis is mainly touching those, which are closely connected to automobile industry and export to America, “Ščurka told. Momentarily there are 220 ha of lands property-legally settled up, 110 ha are sold and 30 ha are reserved for the science-technological park hereof. There are working about 5 to 6 thousand people, but according to estimations there would have to be employed totally 15 to 20 thousand people in future.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 21.04.2009