/en/article/13822/mfd-end-of-crisis-within-sight/ MFD: end of crisis within sight?

MFD: end of crisis within sight?

The managements of 52% of Czech firms predict a close end to the current crisis. According to a survey by the daily MF Dnes, 25% of them even believe in an economic rejuvenation this year, and 20% more by mid-2010. That is why 75% of the companies are not planning any more layoffs – on average, each Czech company (a hundred of them took part in the survey) decreased its personnel by 5.5%. However, only 11% of the Czech firms do not worry about the crisis. According to MFD, this shift in thinking is usually the first sign of improvement.

However, there is not much optimism regarding this year’s results – 56% of the respondents except declining revenues. The builders are especially sceptical, pointing at the plans to save on the state budget, whose expenditures have at least partly offset the decline in private demand so far.

Autor: SF / pb, Dátum 19.05.2009