/en/article/14207/the-forest-road-near-the-bratislava-gamekeepers-lodge-krasnany-is-waiting-for-reconstruction/ The forest road near the Bratislava gamekeeper’s lodge Krasňany is waiting for reconstruction.

The forest road near the Bratislava gamekeeper’s lodge Krasňany is waiting for reconstruction.

The forest road leading from ammunition store to the Krasňany gamekeepers lodge in Bratislava vineyards is waiting for reconstruction in July. The communication is located near Pekná cesta in the direction to park forest. “The road is presently noticeably worn away and its condition represents threat for vehicles, pedestrians as well as cyclists,” informed the magistrature spokeswoman Eva Chudinová. The road surface crumbles away at several points and the non-functional drainage causes considerable damages during the rain. Therefore the Municipal Forests in Bratislava as administrator of the area, decided to repair it. The road section in length of 1,5 km should be reconstructed so that it will be 4 m wide; Reconstruction in amount of 382 027 € will be financed from Euro funds.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 16.06.2009