/en/article/15155/aquapolis-in-trnava-will-offer-12000-square-metres-of-offices/ Aquapolis in Trnava will offer 12,000 square metres of offices

Aquapolis in Trnava will offer 12,000 square metres of offices

A business centre called Aquapolis is under construction in Trnava; it should be finished in March 2010. As Miloš Sušársky, Director of the property developer Tatra Residence, announced, the seven-storied building should comprise 3 parts and the construction costs should be about EUR 25 million. “30 to 35% of the total office area of 12,000 square metres have already been pre-rented to 25 to 30 companies,” said Sušársky. The complex will also include 290 parking places. In the construction of the business centre, the investors should also take into account the city’s requirements, especially the designated number of stories.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 29.09.2009