/en/article/15262/bratislava-the-digital-park-iii-complex-should-grow-in-einstein-street/ Bratislava: the Digital Park III complex should grow in Einstein Street

Bratislava: the Digital Park III complex should grow in Einstein Street

Digital Park III complex should grow in Einstein Street in Bratislava. It will be the 3rd stage of the project, which will offer an administrative space involving standard equipment. „At the end of August we received the final assessment of the EIA, in early September was submitted the dossier to obtain a building permit,“ told Martin Danko, Penta Company spokesman. The Building permit should be obtained in March 2010 according to his opinion; 24 months lasting construction could start in the first half-year. The Company does not want to disclose the amount of the investment in this phase.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 13.10.2009