/en/article/15259/company-aupark-zilina-won-a-dispute-with-the-town/ Company Aupark Žilina won a dispute with the town

Company Aupark Žilina won a dispute with the town

Company Aupark Žilina finally won the dispute with the town of Žilina on determination of ownership of lands on the square of Ľudovít Štúr, informed Roman Karabelli, the representative of HB Reavis Slovakia. The Regional Court at Žilina fully upheld the decision of the District Court, which in March this year dismissed the action of the town against the Aupark Company. This confirmed the validity of the assaulting purchase agreement, and by this way confirmed the Company’s ownership of the land under the shopping-entertainment centre. The decision of the Regional Court at Žilina is final and no longer can be appealed.

Autor: SITA - Slovak News Agency, Dátum 13.10.2009